2008年3月18日 星期二



3 則留言:

Kforce 提到...

Serial String Reader
Language: Processing

Reads in a string of characters from a serial port until
it gets a linefeed (ASCII 10). Then splits the string into
sections separated by commas. Then converts the sections to ints,
and prints them out.

import processing.serial.*; // import the Processing serial library

int linefeed = 10; // Linefeed in ASCII
Serial myPort; // The serial port
int r = 0;
int [] sensors;

void setup() {
size(400, 400);

// List all the available serial ports

// I know that the first port in the serial list on my mac
// is always my Arduino module, so I open Serial.list()[0].
// Change the 0 to the appropriate number of the serial port
// that your microcontroller is attached to.
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[2], 9600);

// read bytes into a buffer until you get a linefeed (ASCII 10):


void draw() {
// twiddle your thumbs

ellipse(width/2, height/2, r, r);


// serialEvent method is run automatically by the Processing applet
// whenever the buffer reaches the byte value set in the bufferUntil()
// method in the setup():

void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {
// read the serial buffer:
String myString = myPort.readStringUntil(linefeed);

// if you got any bytes other than the linefeed:
if (myString != null) {

myString = trim(myString);

// split the string at the commas
// and convert the sections into integers:
sensors = int(split(myString, ','));

// print out the values you got:
for (int sensorNum = 0; sensorNum < sensors.length; sensorNum++) {
print("Sensor " + sensorNum + ": " + sensors[sensorNum] + "\t");
// add a linefeed after all the sensor values are printed:
r = (int)sensors[1];


匿名 提到...

Sensor reader
Sensor Reader
Language: Wiring/Arduino

Reads two analog inputs and two digital inputs
and outputs their values.
analog sensors on analog input pins 0 and 1
switches on digital I/O pins 2 and 3

int leftSensor = 0; // analog input for the left arm
int rightSensor = 1; // analog input for tht right arm
int resetButton = 2; // digital input for the reset button
int serveButton = 3; // digital input for the serve button

int leftValue = 0; // reading from the left arm
int rightValue = 0; // reading from the right arm
int reset = 0; // reading from the reset button
int serve = 0; // reading from the serve button

void setup() {
// configure the serial connection:
// configure the digital inputs:
pinMode(resetButton, INPUT);
pinMode(serveButton, INPUT);

void loop() {
// read the analog sensors:
leftValue = analogRead(leftSensor);
rightValue = analogRead(rightSensor);

// read the digital sensors:
reset = digitalRead(resetButton);
serve = digitalRead(serveButton);

// print the results:
Serial.print(leftValue, DEC);
Serial.print(rightValue, DEC);
Serial.print(reset, DEC);
// print the last sensor value with a println() so that
// each set of four readings prints on a line by itself:
Serial.println(serve, DEC);

匿名 提到...


int potPin = 0; // 宣告類比腳位輸入的PIN腳
int val = 0; // 宣告變數Val = 0

void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); //設定SerialPort的速度9600 = 9600bit/s

void loop() {
val = analogRead(potPin); // 用analogRead()這個函式讀取特定腳位的數值到變數val
Serial.print(val); //印出數值在Serial.Monitor
delay(150); //延遲讀入的時間為150ms


int potPin = 0; // 宣告類比腳位輸入的PIN腳
int val = 0; // 宣告變數Val = 0
int ledPin = 9;

void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); //設定SerialPort的速度9600 = 9600bit/s

void loop() {
val = analogRead(potPin); // 用analogRead()這個函式讀取特定腳位的數值到變數val
Serial.println(val); //印出數值在Serial.Monitor
delay(10); //延遲讀入的時間為10ms
analogWrite(ledPin, val/4);